Pokemon stile


For more examples click here : Examples

Basic package

SPRITE: 4 directions, 32x32px.
- Stopped and blinking state (animated),
- Walking state (animated),
- Portrate static.
US$ 20Sent in format: PNG, GIF or .DMI
All sprites are sent in the original resolution sizes, and an enlarged version and a transparent version if requested.

Last update: 27.07.23

For more examples click here : Examples

Complete Package

SPRITE: 8 directions, 32x32px.
-Standing and blinking state (animated),
-Walking state (animated),
-Portrate (animated).
US$ 45Sent in format: PNG, GIF or .DMI
All sprites are sent in the original resolution sizes, and an enlarged version and a transparent version if requested.

Last update: 27.07.23

For more examples click here : Examples

Extra animations

Some examples : Posing, singing, dancing, eating, talking, fishing, swimming, sleeping, sitting, doing some interaction, talking on the cell phone, etc....I'm willing to try to do anything, but if I can't I'll let you know before.
Preferably if you have some kind of reference, if not, we'll have to agree on the details beforehand.
The amount charged for extra animations will vary depending on the complexity required by the animation. by the size and number of frames.US$ 10 - 50Animations that are not considered extra: riding a vehicle, running or carrying objects, will be added to the top packages and will be charged at the base sprite value.Sent in format: PNG, GIF or .DMI
All sprites are sent in the original resolution sizes, and an enlarged version and a transparent version if requested.

Last update: 27.07.23

For additional information, please visit the terms of service page.

Basic Pack Exemples

Not all lost are the same, so it may contain some examples that are together of extra animations.

Complete Pack Exemples

Animation extra Exemples

For additional information, please visit the terms of service page.